Tera Murphy, who heads up a
Relay for Life team in Ohio, commissioned me to do a painting of Norm walking along a path of luminaries. This is a print of the painting paired with a small palm-sized (as in hand, not tree) needle-felted "Hope" doll. The doll is just the right size to fit in an adult-sized palm, closed into a fist - and as most of you know, Norm's favorite activity is listening (to your hopes & dreams, prayers, fears, crazy schemes, million $ inventions, etc.)
Each luminaria that lines the path displays the name of someone touched by cancer. Their glow celebrates the lives of those that have won their battle with cancer, allows us to remember those that we have lost, and gives us the hope that someday there will be a cure.
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"Norm" was born as my response to learning that several of my friends and family members had cancer - he's my buddy through the emotional rollercoaster.
Tera Murphy commissioned the painting and
25% of all sales from the painting, prints and dolls will be donated to her American Cancer Society Relay for Life team in Ohio.
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prints, dolls, and more beneftiting the American Cancer Society may be purchased on-line in my etsy shop: