
If you go to the bottom of this page you'll find a fun little treat!

Monday, October 15, 2007

BLOG Action Day

What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day? One issue. One day. Thousands of voices. Today, Oct. 15th is Blog Action Day. Here's the link...

The issue is upcycling and/or recycling. Kind of hard to apply this to original painting, but here goes my [almost] funny story:

A friend [who is a painter] used a scrap of gessoed canvas from one of his finished paintings to wrap a Birthday present for another friend [also a painter].

She in turned saved the scrap thinking one day it may be useful. The day came when I said I wanted to experiment with different types of canvas for my paintings.

And thus, meet Norm in "Desert" - you can still see the folds from the "gift wrap" days - I didn't bother to iron 'em out because I thought it added character.

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