
If you go to the bottom of this page you'll find a fun little treat!

Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm in the Holiday Sampler

Woo - hoo! If you love grab bag ideas as much as I do, you'll love this! The Sampler is a sampling of samples and materials sent in each month by independent crafters, artists, shops, zines and record labels who run web-based businesses. You get a sneak peak of what might be in the "box" by checking out their website: The Sampler.

I contributed 100 signed & numbered limited edition ACEO's (these are a limited run of 100 and I contributed the whole set to The Sampler - so if you want one, you gotta buy a Sampler). Woo-hoo - it's tons of fun. I'm going to contribute to the next Sampler also as a group with other EtsyRain artists.

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