
If you go to the bottom of this page you'll find a fun little treat!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

$10 and Top Ten Toys in Greenwood...

So here's what happens when you give a girl a $10 and send her into a toy store. I came home with Sea Monkeys (the last one passed away last September, so it's time to hatch some new ones - but more on that later) and Shrinky Dinks! Who woulda thought that these could be so fun. You draw your design on the plastic (these started off 4" tall), pop it in the oven, and out it comes in under 2 min. at half the size (they ended up 2" tall). Can you say promo material?


IMakeCuteStuff (aka Marlo M.) said...

Totally promos! Shrinky Dinks are so awesome. Norm (and Norma) are perfect guinea pigs...er...subjects. hehe. yay Norm!

katy said...

They are sooo cute. can't wait to show shrinky dinks to my girls. How fun, norm!

Woven Chains said...

Cass and I just discovered (and re-discovered) Shrinky Dinks. They are so cool. We liked watching them shrink up in the oven.