
If you go to the bottom of this page you'll find a fun little treat!

Friday, June 20, 2008

and what would you say about soldered ornaments?

3" x 1" glass on both sides, soldered with silver-colored lead-free solder. Aren't I clever for figuring that out on my own? Wait - did I already tell you about these... now that I think about it, I gave you a sneak peak into the first round of soldering. Well since then I've had to purchase a new solder iron (I ruined the tip somehow and I couldn't find a replacement tip for the cheap craft iront that I bought about 20 years ago and just now started using).

There's still a few glitches to work out, but I think I may have figured it all out by the Mill Creek Fair.

Friday, June 13, 2008

One of my favorite flowers

I just had to share - she doesn't bloom often, but when she does - WOW! I've had this plant for almost 15 years - I bought it went I worked at Molbaks. It is an Episcia dianthiflora or "Lace Flower" - I guess the name makes sense, huh? One day I plan on painting it - the only problem is the flowers don't last long and it always seems to bloom when I terribly busy. Oh well, I guess that's what digital cameras are for.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

trying something new - Meme

so I've been bugged to get something a little more personal onto my blog. here's where I start - this should be enough to keep you busy for a while and to make up for the lack of whatever in the past. My friend Katy at sycamorestirrings introduced me to "meme". Here are the questions , sans answers - you can figure 'em out in your spare time:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your Flickr name.
and here are the photo credits from l to r top to bottom (all from flickr): 1) ohsewpretty 2) robopppy 3) Mark Griffith 4) faria! 5) hellonheels 6) ochazuke 7) ancama 8) bluepupae 9) wolfy77 10) ParsecTraveller 11) jbelluch 12) artbynorm

Etsy Front Page!

One of the most exciting things about selling on etsy is making it to the "front page" - i.e. the home page, or 1st page that everyone sees when they go to http://www.etsy.com/.

My friend Kelly at TomatoTomato saved the screen shot of Norm's 5 minutes of fame yesterday. I snooped around a bit to find out who put the collection together that go showcased ont he front page - it was leavesofglass- and the treasury was titled "Big Balls" - I'm honored that Norm fell into that category!
And one more shout-out - ok, two. Artsy was also on the front page - love her sculptures, in fact I traded her an old brownie camera for an 8x10 of the "Espresso Family". And I just discovered LemonBall - he handmakes baseballs - how cool is that!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Who wants a peak at the Trunkt book?

Check it out - here's Norm! And the book's only $30 online - or if you are lucky enough to be in NYC you might find it at a coffee shop or independent book store!